Siirler Amerikan Edebiyatı Charles Bukowski And The Moon And The Stars And The World
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And The Moon And The Stars And The World

Şair: Charles Bukowski • Eklenme Tarihi: 31.05.2014 • Görüntüleme: 2.778

Long walks at night
that’s what good for the soul:

Charles Bukowski, Heinrich Karl Bukowski, And The Moon And The Stars And The World, Amerikalı yazar ve şair, toplum dışı insanlar, depresyon ve alkolizm şiirleri, Bukowski şiirleri

And The Moon And The Stars And The World

Long walks at night-- 
that's what good for the soul: 
peeking into windows 
watching tired housewives 
trying to fight off 
their beer-maddened husbands.